Moxley Union
modern rockers with vintage style
Saturday, October 24th
Moxley Union, is a bluesy, classic-rock band. Sets include a variety of genres; influences include Black Keys, Nirvana, Hendrix and B.B. King. Moxley Union is a union of the twin states; half the band is from Vermont, the other from N.H. . They join together as brothers on stage to bring prime-cut originals and covers, with a slicked back and easy going stroke of sex appeal. Listen here.
A night with Moxley Union will always lighten your step. A night at Mole Hill never lightens your wallet. Admission just $10. byob.
A potluck harvest supper will precede the show. So bring a dish and share a meal!
Supper @ 7 ~~~ Music @ 8
Mole Hill Theatre
789 Gilsum Mine Rd.
Alstead, NH 03602