Contra Dance in Peterborough NH on Saturday October 3rd

Nelson, NH — September 7, 2015 — The Monadnock Folklore Society presents the Peterborough, NH First Saturday Contra Dance on October 3rd, featuring Nils Fredland calling with Pete Sutherland and Oliver Scanlon.


From 6:30 – 7:45 PM, there will be a special dance for those new to contra dancing. Lisa Sieverts will facilitate the session, with local musicians led by Tad Dreis. The regular dance, which is always beginner-friendly, begins at 8:00 PM.


Nils Fredland is one of the busiest and most sought-after artists in the field of participatory dance, music, and song. As a dance caller, he is widely respected for his expertise and skilled leadership, and beloved for his sensitivity, generosity, and community-minded approach. Nils believes in the life-changing benefits of participatory dance; fueled by energy and passion, he travels coast to coast and overseas to share those benefits with contra and square dancers over 150 days a year.


Multi-instrumentalist and troubadour Pete Sutherland has decades of concert touring, teaching and studio production behind him. Sutherland is a founding member of the long-running “contradance jamband” The Clayfoot Strutters, as well as Pete’s Posse.


Fiddler, mandolinist and tunesmith Oliver Scanlon was introduced to his mentor Pete Sutherland and to fiddle music at the age of nine. His enthusiasm led him to seek out further learning and he has also studied with Alan Jabbour, Kimberley Fraser, Eric Favreau and other master fiddlers.


The dancing begins at 6:30 PM with a session especially for brand new dancers, followed by contra dancing at 8:00 PM.


Admission is $10 or $7 for students and seniors.


The dance takes place in the historic Town House in Peterborough, NH at 1 Grove Street. For more information call 603.762.0235 or visit The Monadnock Folklore Society has presented contra dances and concerts of traditional music since 1982.


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Event: Contra Dance


Venue: Peterborough Town House, 1 Grove Street

Location: Peterborough, New Hampshire

Date: Saturday, October 3, 2015

Nils Fredland with Pete Sutherland and Oliver Scanlon

Time: 6:30 PM Beginner dance, 8:00 PM Contra dance

Admission: $10/$7 students and seniors

Info Phone: 603-762-0235

Info Email: [email protected]

Info URL:

High-res photo of Nils Fredland:

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