Growth Stories: Shaker Style, Harrisville NH

Shaker Style in Harrisville, NH is a family run business offering handcrafted Shaker furniture. Shaker furniture is distinct style of furniture craftsmanship that focuses on simplicity, utility and quality.  A Shaker furniture builder since 1989, Stephen Barlow is a third generation wood worker. Barlow started his business out of his garage in Peterborough and had to move to large barn in Harrisville because of steady growth. The barn allows Barlow to have a large woodshop and cozy showroom.

Learn more about this fascinating entrepreneur in the Monadnock Buy Local  and People’s VC videos below:

Shaker Style: Hand Crafted Furniture from PeoplesVC on Vimeo. Stephen and Cheryl Barlow, co-owners of Shaker Style, talk about how they got started, where they’re at in their business, and possible options for the continuation of their business:


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