Jan Dolan Paintings Highlighted at Trumpet Gallery for the month of May

Trumpet, the fine arts and idea gallery in Peterborough, is featuring the works of painter Jan Dolan.

Jan Dolan who was born in Peterborough, NH studied at the University of New Hampshire and was mentored in the tradition of the French Academy and American Impressionists in the studio of Boston and New Hampshire painter, Sidney Willis, himself a student of Robert D. Hunter.

She received full fellowships from the MacDowell Colony, the Virginia Center for Creative Arts and Schloss Wiepersdorf, Germany. She was an elected member of the Copley Society, Boston, MA and an associate member of Allied Artists of America. Her work has been the subject of a cover and article in The Artists’ Magazine.

Jan has had a several one-, two- and three-person shows in New York City, Boston, Fisher’s Island, Oqunquit, New Orleans; at the Bristol Art Museum; throughout the New Hampshire region and in Mexico.

While Jan has not sought to participate in juried shows during her 30 year painting career, she has won awards at the Catherine Lorillard-Wolfe Exhibition sponsored by the National Arts Club in New York City, Bellas Artes in Guadlajara, Mexico and the State of New Hampshire Percent for the Arts Program.  Her paintings hang in private collections, nationally and internationally.

Trumpet Gallery, a Destination for All the Arts, is located at 8 Grove Street, Peterborough, NH.

For more information about Trumpet Gallery and the various workshops, contact Mona Adisa Brooks at 603-924-9862 or [email protected].


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