MacDowell Downtown: Mystery Show Podcast Creator Starlee Kine

MacDowell Downtown: Writer and podcast creator Starlee Kine will ask the audience to help solve a new mystery for the second season of “Mystery Show.”

On her wildly popular podcast, Starlee Kine can swing from a missing video store to a lost belt buckle. Wherever she goes, she solves quirky mysteries that unravel beneath her relentless exploration of the lives she comes across along the way. Kine, at MacDowell for her second residency, is in town to work on her popular podcast “Mystery Show,” and she plans to bring her current case to The Monadnock Center for History and Culture at 7:30 p.m. Friday to enlist the audience’s help. If you’d like to help, or simply are curious about the artistic process, don’t miss our season’s first installment of MacDowell Downtown.

While Kine completed six episodes for the first season of Mystery Show, she is committed to altering the context in the second season and she’s using her time at MacDowell lay the groundwork for her new approach. It’s a tall order for someone who writes, produces, voices, and edits all of it. But immersing herself in the current community of MacDowell artists seems to be working. Friday’s audience experience will include a quick sample from last year’s program before she gets down to business recruiting the Peterborough audience for help in solving her latest puzzle.

So, if you have sharp ears, and solid abilities of recall, don’t miss out on this opportunity to preview an episode for Mystery Show 2.0 and perhaps be part of one the season’s new episodes. It all happens at MacDowell Downtown tomorrow, Friday, at 7:30 p.m. Doors open at 7 with light refreshments served.


Friday, March 4, 2016
7:30 – 8:30 p.m.
The Monadnock Center for History and Culture

19 Grove Street
Peterborough, NH
Cost: Free

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