The 12 Reasons Why You Know You Grew Up in the Monadnock Region

There is no doubt that the Monadnock region is one of the best places to grow up in the world. There are countless outdoor activities, cultural events, seasonal festivals and other things that contribute to the overall greatness of being from Southwestern New Hampshire. While each town has it’s own unique qualities, there are certain things that all residents from the Monadnock region have in common. Here are the 12 reasons you know that you grew up in the Monadnock region:

1. You have climbed Mt. Monadnock.

Monadnock Region

Mount Monadnock is one of the most climbed mountain in the world. And being from the region, you have most likely contributed to making this statistic true.

2. You are extremely emotional about Pumpkin Fest.

Monadnock Region

Whether you attended as a little kid or as a Keene State student, you have a lot of memories associated with Keene’s famous autumn festival . However after the events that transpired at last year’s Pumpkin Fest (fires, rioting, destruction of property, etc.) the fate of this year’s festival is up in the air.

3. You think anything north of Concord is practically Canada.

Concord Capital

Let’s face it, if you want to go north, you probably hit up ManchVegas and the Mall of New Hampshire. Concord and the North Country were foreign to you because you have awesome mountains of your own (see No. 1).

4. You are still in touch with at least 6 people from high school.


The Monadnock region’s charm comes from it’s small, tight knit communities. What that translates to is that you can definitely name everyone in your graduating class (and probably most of the surrounding classes too).

5. You wanted to live at Kimball Farm during the summer (and sometimes still do!).

Monadnock Region

Located in Jaffrey, N.H. Kimball Farm is a summer time institution. They have been scooping amazing ice cream for Monadnock residents and visitors for decades; The hot fudge sundaes are a must!

6. Seeing deer is so common that it no longer phases you.

Monadnock Region

New Hampshire, like many other states in the region, has an extreme over population of deer. Don’t get us wrong, we love the wildlife is what makes the Monadnock region so beautiful, but it got less exciting after the first 100 times.

7. You saw everyone you knew at the Jaffrey Fireworks.

Jaffrey Fireworks

The Jaffrey Fireworks were the place to be when you were growing up. It was (and still is) one of the best places to meet up and socialize with friends and family on a summer night.

8. You’ve waited multiple hours for breakfast at Parker’s Maple Barn.



It is without question that Parker’s Maple Barn serves up the best breakfast in the Monadnock, and they have done so for 50 years! Because of this you will sometimes have to wait to get a table, but anything wait is worth it to eat a meal at this pancake haven.

9. You’re confused by other states that have sales tax.

Monadnock Region

This one also makes the list for reasons why New Hampshire is one of the best states in the country. People in the Monadnock region benefit from living in the Granite State where the motto is proudly, “live free, or die!”.

10. You know what Leaf Peepers are.

Monadnock Region

New England in the fall, including of course the Monadnock Region, becomes one of the most beautiful places in the world to visit. Locals refer to these seasonal visitors during the fall months as Leaf Peepers.

11. You are extremely picky about your maple syrup.

Monadnock Region

The Monadnock region is home to many amazing maple sugar houses. After taking a tour of a sugar house you learned all about maple sugaring and now you know that real maple syrup, is the only maple syrup.

12. You love where you live because of the seasons.

Monadnock Region

It is no question that it has been a long winter in the Monadnock Region, but finding beauty in all of the seasons (including winter) is what makes you from here. Whatever time of year, you know this is an amazing place to live!

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