“Upstairs, Downstairs”
Cellist & Painter, Opera Singer & Pianist
You are invited to attend an afternoon at the Jaffrey Civic Center and enjoy the fine art talents of a painter, a cellist, an opera singer and a pianist playing and inspiring while you sip wines
and refreshments and taste lovely foods.
On Sunday, September 20 you’ll begin at 2 and hear the inspiration of artist Mia Mead, followed by passionate Bach selections from cellist Sarah Frieburg, the magnificent choices of arias and songs by opera singer Jazimina MacNeil accompanied on piano by the amazingly talented Virginia Eskin until 4:30 pm.
For more information and to register, please RSVP[email protected]
or 603-532-6527 by Sunday, September 13. The cost is $45 per person. Checks payable to Jaffrey Civic Center. MC & VISA are accepted.
The Jaffrey Civic Center is located at 40 Main Street, Jaffrey, New Hampshire, next to Library,
parking in rear. Hours are Tues: 10-6, Wed-Fri 1-5, Sat 10-2. Admission is always free. For more information about us, call 603-532-6527, e-mail us at [email protected], find our website,www.jaffreyciviccenter.com, or “Like” us on Facebook.