Travel Tips for New Hampshire

Travel Tips for New Hampshire

New Hampshire has a lot to offer in terms of natural beauty, friendly people, and fun things to do. If you’re planning to pack up the car in order to see our state at ground level—and sometimes higher and lower—there are a few things to keep in mind before and during your journey. To help you find your way, take note of the following travel tips for New Hampshire before making your road trip to or through the Granite State.

Before You Go

When you drive through New Hampshire, expect plenty of gorgeous scenery. Depending on the part you drive through, you can expect a lot of long, winding, and sometimes steep roads and back roads between points of interest. Be sure your car is up for the drive. Get a checkup and a tune-up before you leave home, ensuring the wheels are in good condition and properly inflated, and all fluids are clean, clear, and topped off. Keep the gas tank full and ensure the coolant in the radiator has been inspected. The highways are generally flat and smooth, but you may be called on to do a lot of up and downhill driving on backroads in various states of repair. Keep your headlights on, be ready to brake, and mind the engine temp, too.

Plan Your Trip

If you decided on a visit to New Hampshire, you probably already have a few state attractions in mind— in the southwest they might include making a trip to Mount Monadnock, other hikes in the areavisiting our many historical sites, or simply enjoying the state’s foliage in summer or fall. Check out Discover Monadnock for many more ideas of things to do, places to see and stay. Be sure to study up on directions and road conditions before coming here, especially if you plan to leave the highway. Don’t depend entirely on navigation systems and directional apps. Pack a state road map in the glove compartment or find a map online and print it. Compile a list of contact numbers, and if you belong to a motor club, keep their card handy as well. Many of the people on the road are travelers and tourists like yourself so prepare to adjust your driving habits and stay alert.


Searching for travel tips for New Hampshire? Here’s one you won’t encounter elsewhere—well, maybe Vermont. Believe the hype and all the road signs warning you about these land giants. Moose are serious hazard. Moose are larger than deer; if you get into a crash with one, you and your vehicle are more likely to suffer than the moose. Driving at dusk, dawn, or night can make it hard to see any moose crossing the road. They also have dark fur, which doesn’t exactly help you see them. Unlike deer, a moose won’t freeze when caught in your headlights—but neither will their eyes reflect as a warning; they’re simply too tall. Moose are fearless so they don’t run from cars and may even stand their ground. They’re just likely to lunge or charge. Slow down, keep your eyes open, and respect the moose!

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