Greenfield Farmers and Crafters Market
Most Sundays 10am-1pm May-September
971 Forest Rd Greenfield, NH 03047
Population: 1,749
Settled: 1753
Greenfield, New Hampshire is a small town with a charming Main Street lined with historic homes and small businesses. Visitors can enjoy a meal at local restaurants, browse antique shops, and explore nearby hiking trails. The hiking trails are unique because they are designed to be fully accessible.
Most Sundays 10am-1pm May-September
971 Forest Rd Greenfield, NH 03047
Annually in August
8 Driscoll Rd
Greenfield NH 03047
Over the Contoocook River
Forest Road
Hancock/ Greenfield
1 Verney Drive
Greenfield, NH 03045
133 Beach Road
Greenfield, NH 03047
Greenfield, NH 03047
1 Verney Drive
Greenfield, NH 03047
108 Wally Stone Lane
Greenfield, NH 03047
(603) 547-3400
121 East Rd.
Greenfield, NH 03047
(603) 547-2441
761 Forest Rd.,
Greenfield, NH. 03047
(603) 547-2790
783 Forest Rd.,
Greenfield, NH. 03047
(603) 547-3414
Over the Contoocook River
Forest Road
Hancock/ Greenfield
Greenfield, NH 03047
761 Forest Rd.,
Greenfield, NH. 03047
(603) 547-2790
133 Beach Road
Greenfield, NH 03047
133 Beach Road
Greenfield, NH 03047
1 Verney Drive
Greenfield, NH 03047
108 Wally Stone Lane
Greenfield, NH 03047
(603) 547-3400
February 21, 2025
The Monadnock region has a deep love for music of all kinds, and classical music is no exception! Excellent musicians with love for community outreach and teaching have set up their practices here. During a visit, take an evening or a matinee to be swept away by enchanting compositions in local churches, town halls, and
January 15, 2016
From Abbot Thayer to Mark Twain, Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau, the dramatic views of Mount Monadnock in southwest New Hampshire have captivated people for centuries. The “Mountain That Stands Alone” continues to hold rank as the second most climbed mountain in the world behind Mt. Fuji, drawing an estimated 80,000 to 100,000
January 7, 2016
At the beginning of the each year many of us like to make resolutions for all the things we want to accomplish. Most of them have to do with practicing healthier habits, losing weight, getting in shape. All worthy, but we leave those for our friends at Healthy Monadnock to write about. At Discover Monadnock,