KEENE, N.H., 10/26/2015 – Oscar-nominated filmmaker Sam Green and filmmaker-animator Brent Green join together for a cutting edge live cinema performance featuring drummer Brendan Canty of Fugazi fame, on Wednesday, November 4 at 7 p.m. at the Redfern Arts Center at Keene State College. These innovative artists present eight short cinematic gems that combine film,

Music in Bass Hall presents Los Sugar Kings

The Monadnock Center for History and Culture is excited to present Los Sugar Kings, on Friday, November 13.  From the Boston area, the quartet is known for their dynamic live performances, rich harmonies, intense musicianship and ability to transcend genres with an authenticity rarely heard. In their world, respect is paid to the forefathers and

Dancing Forever in the Nelson Town Hall

This article was published on 1990,  in Leisure Weekly, a Keene-based entertainment newspaper that has long since ceased publication. Many things have changed since then, and notably, in the summer of 2014 the hall underwent significant renovations (though mostly structural) ~ Gordon Peery [<<<return to Contra Dance page] Not too long ago a piano tuner

Monadnock Folklore Society presents Brian Peters and Jeff Davis

Nelson, NH – Join us on Sunday, October 25 for an evening of traditional songs and music from England and the USA. Brian Peters (UK) and Jeff Davis (USA) have been performing together on both sides of the Atlantic on and off for sixteen years. They bring their talents to the Nelson Town Hall for

5 Fun things to do in Greenfield, NH

Greenfield, NH is a beautiful small town in the middle of Hilllsborough County. Greenfield was originally called Lyndeborough Addition when it was settled by the Lynde family in 1753. Then, in 1791, the residents of Lyneborough petitioned to form a new town, called Greenfield for the areas luscious and fertile landscape. Greenfield is also home

The Iran Nuclear Agreement A Conversation with Souroush Richard Shehabi

PETERBOROUGH, N.H. — On Saturday, Oct. 3rd, 2015 at 3 p.m., the Mariposa Museum and the Ilex Foundation will co-present, The Iran Nuclear Agreement: A Conversation with Souroush Richard Shehabi. The event will be held at the Mariposa Museum and World Culture Center at 26 Main Street in Peterborough. In July, after months of diplomacy, the P5+1

Fun 7 things to do in Antrim NH

Antrim NH is a majestic town on the northern tip of the Monadnock Region. Antrim was originally founded i n 1777, named after County Antrim in nothern Ireland, where the land’s owner, Philip Riley hailed from. The town would quickly grow around the Great Brook which provided water power for over 20 mills, which made

The 12 Reasons Why You Know You Grew Up in the Monadnock Region

There is no doubt that the Monadnock region is one of the best places to grow up in the world. There are countless outdoor activities, cultural events, seasonal festivals and other things that contribute to the overall greatness of being from Southwestern New Hampshire. While each town has it’s own unique qualities, there are certain

Top 8 Festivals in New Hampshire’s Monadnock Region

Each year the Monadnock region is proud to host some of the best festivals in New Hampshire and the Monadnock region. As far as things to do in NH, festivals are one of the best ways to get out and celebrate the season and the towns of the festivals. The Monadnock region is home to

Monadnotes: Meet Michael Blake

(This post was original posted on It was one of those way too familiar Friday nights this winter – weekend storm coming, better get out while you can. So I headed over to Sunflowers at the end of the dinner hour and was greeted by Michael Blake playing electric guitar. His selections included some rock,