Community Conversation on Collaboration at the Monadnock Center

On Tuesday, June 14, at 7 p.m., a Community Conversation about Collaboration will be held at the Monadnock Center for History and Culture. In a competitive world, the concept of collaboration can seem a risky proposition. Even between people with common interests, collaboration can be frustrating and challenging. In this conversation we look at for

9 Ways you know you went to college in the Monadnock region

Colleges bring in a lot of new faces to the Monadnock region. Whether it’s Keene State, River Valley, Antioch, Franklin Pierce, New England College, or the New Hampshire Institute of Art, some Monadnock college experiences are universal.  Discover Monadnock has compiled this handy list for making the most of your time here now, or reminiscing

Top 8 Things to do in Wilton NH

Located on the eastern boarder of the Monadnock Region, Wilton, NH is a beautiful town with a strong local community.  There are amazing restaurants that sell and produce locally sourced food, Farmers Markets, country stores and historical landmarks to name a few. There is so much to see, visit, and do in Wilton, NH. It is a

6 Fun Things to do in Keene, New Hampshire

As one of New Hampshire’s premiere cultural hot-spots, Keene is chalk full of exciting and unqiue ways to spend an afternoon. Keene’s inviting combination of history, culture and nature makes it one of the most visited towns in the Cheshire county. From the country’s most climbed mountain, to one of the oldest tavern’s to a robust theatre,