Monadnock Towns

Mason Greenville New Ipswich Rindge Fitzwilliam Richmond Winchester Hinsdale Milford Wilton Temple Sharon Jaffrey Troy Chesterfield Swanzey Marlborough Dublin Peterborough Lyndeborough Francestown Greenfield Harrisville Bennington Hancock Roxbury Keene Deering Antrim Nelson Sullivan Gilsum Surry Westmoreland Hillsborough Windsor Stoddard Marlow Alstead Walpole

There are forty towns in the Monadnock region of southern New Hampshire. The western border is geographically defined by the Connecticut River, cutting a line between New Hampshire and Vermont. The New Hampshire/Massachusetts state line marks the region’s southern border. Across the region, each small town is different. Each has its own quirks and treasures. And each is worthy of exploration! Follow the links on the map above to explore each of the unique small towns this region has to offer.