Tortoise and Hare Compete in Musical Race On Stage at MoCo Arts

MoCo Arts presents the most famous race in children’s literature, Tortoise vs Hare, a Tweens Musical Theatre production on Sunday, April 10 at 2:00 & 4:00pmin the MoCo Arts Black Box Theatre. Harriet Hare and her gang of “Hare’s Angels” terrorize the animals of the forest until Tracy Tortoise challenges her right to rule. Through song

CourtGarden at Redfern Arts Center in Keene

CourtGarden A STUNNING MULTI-MEDIA DANCE PERFORMANCE INSPIRED BY THE IMPERIAL FRENCH COURT CLOSES SEASON AT REDFERN ARTS CENTER   CourtGarden , a stunning new dance and multi-media performance created by New York choreographer Yanira Castro and her company a canary torsi, closes the spring 2016 season on Wednesday, March 30, at 7 p.m. at the Redfern Arts Center

KSC Film Screening

Join us at 7pm, Monday, March 7 at the Thorne for an hour long program examining art and film. We’ll screen an hour of films (or film excerpts) by members of the film faculty and then have a conversation between selected art/design faculty and film faculty about connections and differences between film and art. Refreshments

Food and Music: A Match Made in Heaven, Part 2

By Sarah Lennon To find out what the restaurant music scene is like from a musician’s perspective, I caught up with Jake McKelvie, lead singer and guitarist of local indie-rock band Jake McKelvie & the Countertops. McKelvie is a seasoned restaurant performer; his first experiences were at age 13 or 14. He would occasionally play in

Food and Live Music: A Match Made in Heaven, Part 1

By Sarah Lennon No matter where you are in the world, every community has one thing in common: live music. Arguably the most universally appreciated art form, music isn’t just for professionals. Local musicians are everywhere, including our very own Monadnock region! For anyone with a few bucks to spare, the best places to start

Keene Ice & Snow Festival

By Sarah Lennon Even those of us who shy away from winter sports can enjoy all the chilly weather has to offer at the annual Ice & Snow Festival in downtown Keene, New Hampshire! It can be difficult to get people out and walking around in the harsh weather typical of New England winters, but

100 Views of Mount Monadnock

From Abbot Thayer to Mark Twain, Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau, the dramatic views of Mount Monadnock in southwest New Hampshire have captivated people for centuries. The “Mountain That Stands Alone” continues to hold rank as the second most climbed mountain in the world behind Mt. Fuji, drawing an estimated 80,000 to 100,000

New Year’s Resolution: 10 Fire Tower Sites in the Monadnock Region

At the beginning of the each year many of us like to make resolutions for all the things we want to accomplish. Most of them have to do with practicing healthier habits, losing weight, getting in shape. All worthy, but we leave those for our friends at Healthy Monadnock to write about. At Discover Monadnock,