The Gift of Celebrating Christmas in the Monadnock Region

Listening to acapella by candle light in Keene. Watching the Nutcracker stream live from Moscow at Peterborough Players. Cutting your own christmas tree at Carabee Tree Farm in Greenfield. Finding fresh local winter greens at Farmer John’s Plot in Dublin. Treating your loved ones to a gourmet 5-course holiday luncheon at Pickity Place in Mason.

Spreading Peace & Joy: 7 Art Exhibits For Hectic Holiday Schedules

Throughout December community centers, libraries, stores, civic centers, and galleries around the Monadnock region exhibit the work of talented local and nationally renowned artists. It doesn’t take but a moment to stop, and become immersed in peaceful contemplation at the many artistic interpretations of beauty, detail and color. Plus, who knows, you might just find

A Holiday Music Roundup for the Monadnock Region

From elementary school sing-alongs to Christmas night contra dances, the most beloved holiday songs can be heard joyfully emanating from concert venues across the Monadnock region. These annual celebrations remind us that it doesn’t matter if you’re listening in a school auditorium, church, museum, pub, town hall or an iconic theater. That musical traditions bring

Monadnock Region Snow Forecast: Yes it’s coming! 7 Fun Winter Destinations

Waiting for snow? You’re not alone. Mild late autumn temperatures mean outdoor, cold-weather enthusiasts of all ages are chomping at the bit to suit up – and participate in their favorite winter sports. Skating. Skiing. Snowboarding. Sledding. Snowshoeing. Winter Hiking. Sleighrides. Ice Racing. The list of winter activities is endless as long as you’re bundled

The Art of Giving in the Monadnock Region

Walk into any grocery store, retail shop, school, or business in the Monadnock region during the holiday season and you’ll find clothing bins, food baskets and collection jars overflowing with donations to help our neighbors in need. From children to CEOs, the generosity shown by community members in November – and throughout the month of