fully attended music concert in museum hall with wooden and white walls

Arts Spotlight: The Monadnock Center for History and Culture

NICOLE S. COLSON The first on the list of core values at downtown Peterborough’s museum is that it welcomes everyone.  “People should leave feeling they were taken care of,” said Michelle Stahl, executive director of The Monadnock Center for History and Culture (formerly the Peterborough Historical Society).  A community museum and cultural center, the Center—open

a group of middle schoolers smile in front of a mural of a train

Arts Spotlight: Historical Society of Cheshire County

NICOLE S. COLSON Dusty objects on museum shelves are relics of the past. In order to become a community resource for tourism statewide, the county historical society’s goal is to bring its collection to life in the 21st century.  Jennifer Carroll is director of education at the Historical Society of Cheshire County, a private educational

90th Annual Independence Day Ceremony

On every July 4 since 1926, the community has gathered at Monadnock Center to celebrate the nation’s independence with a ceremony that features a speaker, flag raising, and reading of the Declaration of Independence. This year’s speaker is John Franklin of Peterborough who will read excerpts from The American Crisis as Thomas Paine. Joining Franklin

Blues musician and historian Scott Ainslie at Monadnock Center

On Saturday, June 18th, traditional blues master and songwriter Scott Ainslie will be on the Bass Hall stage at the Monadnock Center for History and Culture to present an evening of great singing, slide, Delta Blues and ragtime guitar playing, and select original songs. Ainslie comes to the stage armed with history, stories, personal anecdotes

Local History Comes to the Stage in The MoCo Minutemen 

Watch history come alive in MoCo Arts’ Storytime Theatre production of The MoCo Minutemen on Sunday, June 12 with performances at 2:00 & 4:00pm in the MoCo Arts Black Box Theatre in Keene. In 1775, Isaac Wyman and twenty-nine Keene Minutemen gathered at the Wyman Tavern to march at the beginning of the Revolutionary War.

Explore Hillsborough New Hampshire

5 Things to Do in Hillsborough, NH Hillsborough is small town located in southern New Hampshire. The town of Hillsborough is most known for having such a rich history. Founded in 1736 by Colonel John Hill, the town was home to the fourteenth President of the United States Franklin Pierce. While history is an integral

Monadnock Center workshop on Hearth Cooking

Learn to cook like your great, great grandmother at the Monadnock Center for History and Culture on April 9 when the center will offer a hearth cooking workshop. Workshop participants will work together to prepare a meal typical of the 1830s over the open hearths in the center’s Phoenix Mill House. The workshop will explore

Psychic Medium Skills Development with Fitzwilliam Historical Society

Psychic Medium Skills Development Workshop will be held at the Amos J. Blake House Museum on Sunday, April 3rd at 2:00 pm Join us for an exciting afternoon of exploration into a guided meditation that connects you to the power of spirit. Learn how to “listen” to your psychic senses and distinguish your imagination from psychic

The Bottom of the Barrel

The Bottom of the Barrel at the Monadnock Center Peterborough, NH- The end of winter was a lean time in the 1830s and wives had to know how to scrape the bottom of the barrel. Learn about cooking at the lean time of year at the Monadnock Center for History and Culture on Saturday, March